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Export Time Sheet Detail Data – By Profit Center


The process below describes how to export time sheet data by profit centre.

The export includes all profit centre time entries the user has security access to, this includes multiple profit centres in the one export. The report includes the profit centre of the user who created the time entry at the time it was made. That is, if a user is assigned to profit centre X at the time of the time sheet entry then that entry is assigned to profit centre X, If the user is reassigned to profit centre Y, the previous entries remain associated with profit centre X.


1) Click Time Material Equipment

2) Under Time Reports click Detail Report By Profit Center

Click on picture to enlarge

3) Choose the export button and select the “xlsx” option to retrieve data in to Excel format.

Click on picture to enlarge

Pre-Requisite Requirements

Security Access

Licensing – users are to be licensed for the Time Material Equipment module, this can be found under Settings then click User Licensing , set a billing account for the user. For more info see Knowledge Base Article -> User Licensing

Roles – users are to be assigned a user role for accessing the Assign User Profit Centres menu item. This can be found under Settings – System Security then click Assign User Roles . For more info see Knowledge Base Article -> Assign User Roles

Profit Centre Security – users are to be assigned a profit centre to gain access to the data Assign User Profit Centres menu item. This can be found under Settings – System Security then click Assign User Profit Centres. For more info see Knowledge Base Article -> Assign User Profit Centres

Field Explanation
Field Example Data Description
Week End Sat, 27 Jan 2018 The next Saturday of the date the hours were worked.
Date 24 Jan 2018 The date the hours were worked.
Day Wed The date the hours were worked displayed as a day
OBS Code AR | ARC OBS (Organisation Breakdown Structure) code assigned to the project. See Manage Job List menu item.
OBS Short Name Acme | Architecture OBS (Organisation Breakdown Structure) title assigned to the project. See Manage Job List menu item.
Employee Number 10024056 Employee number assigned to the user who made the time entry from the contacts list
Name John Fredrickson Name assigned to the user who made the time entry from the contacts list
User Name John.Fredrickson User name assigned to the user who made the time entry from the user list
Department Code PM The code of the Department currently assigned to the contact (linked to user) who made the time entry.
Department Title Project Management The title of the Department currently assigned to the contact (linked to user) who made the time entry.
Billing Classification Code SPM The code of the Billing Classification assigned to the contact (linked to user) at the time the entry was made.
Billing Classification Title Senior Project Manager The Title of the Billing Classification assigned to the contact (linked to user) at the time the entry was made.
Supervisor Fred Turner Current Supervisor assigned to the user.
Project Number 10045 The current project number the time entry was made against.
Project Short Name JF Centre for the Hearing Impaired The current short name of project the time entry was made against.
Project Manager Jack White The current Project Manager assigned to the project.
CBS Full Code DR.EL.L05 The current full CBS code (Cost Breakdown Structure – all levels) the time the entry was made against.
CBS Code L05 The current code of the CBS item (Cost Breakdown Structure) the time the entry was made against.
CBS System Title Direct | Elec | Level 05 The current System Title of the CBS item the time the entry was made against.
CBS Alternate Code 9002 The current alternate code of the CBS item the time the entry was made against.
CBS Short Name Lvl 05 Elect. The current Short Title of the CBS item the time the entry was made against.
CBS Full Name Level 05 Electrical. The current Title of the CBS item the time the entry was made against.
CBS Manager Tristin Roth The current Manager assigned to the CBS item the time the entry was made against.
Work Order Code 93525 The current work order code the time the entry was made against.
Work Order Title Electrical Lighting The current work order code title the time the entry was made against.
Labour Type Code NT The labour expense type code the time the entry was made against.
Labour Type Title Normal Time The labour expense type title the time the entry was made against.
Hours 5.5 The hours recorded for the time entry
Start Time 07:30 The start time of the hours recorded for the time entry, added via the comments field.
End Time 10:30 The end time of the hours recorded for the time entry, added via the comments field.
Comment Review of electrical light fitting installations The comment recorded for the time entry, added via the comments field.