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Create and Manage Quality Module Lot Sections


The process below describes how to manage the list of Sections for Lot’s. Lot Section are used by the project teams to define how the project has divided up their works for delivery, lot sections may contain many control strings with in a lot section.


1) Click Quality

2) Under heading LOTS click Lot Sections,

Click on picture to enlarge

3) Check the Lot Section doesn’t exist by filtering the grid on either code or title.

4) Add, edit, delete Lot Sections by using the icon buttons identified below.

Click on picture to enlarge

5) Fill in the Lot Section form for Sort Order, Code, Title, Chainage Start, Chainage End and any other description or notes.

Click on picture to enlarge

Pre-Requisite Requirements

Security Access

Licensing – users are to be licensed for the Quality module, this can be found under Settings then click User Licensing , set a billing account for the user. For more info see Knowledge Base Article -> User Licensing

Roles – users are to be assigned a user role for accessing the Frequency Type menu item. This can be found under Settings – System Security then click Assign User Roles . For more info see Knowledge Base Article -> Assign User Roles

Lot Sections do not require any other pages pre-populated with data prior to their use.

Additional Information

Field Explanation
Field Example Input Characters Field Restrictions
Sort Order 5 Min 1 Max 50 Mandatory

Alpha, Numeric and special characters allowed.

Duplicates Allowed.

Code 1A Min 1 Max 50 Mandatory

Alpha, Numeric and special characters allowed.

No Duplicates Allowed.

Title Scovazzi Rd to Agnew Rd 115490 to 116600 Min 2 Max 200 Non Mandatory

Alpha, Numeric and special characters allowed.

Duplicates Allowed.

Chainage Start 115490 Min 2 Max 50 Non Mandatory

Alpha, Numeric and special characters allowed.

Duplicates Allowed.

Chainage End 116600 Min 2 Max 50 Non Mandatory

Alpha, Numeric and special characters allowed.

Duplicates Allowed.

Sample Data
Sort Order Code Title Chainage Start Chainage End
05 1A Scovazzi Rd to Agnew Rd 115490 to 116600 115490 116600
10 1B Pomona Rd inters to Jabiru St, 113565 to 113970 113565 113970
15 2 Agnew Rd, 116600 to 117600 116600 117600
20 3A Tokalon Rd, 117600 to 118600 117600 118600
25 3B Masters Rd to Scovazzi Rd, 114530 to 115490 114530 115490